Saturday, August 15, 2020

Do we deserve Independence?


The freedom that was to be attained with violence

was secured  by Gandhiji and his ilk through non-violence.

That is why the independence is taken for granted!

That is why independence is not appreciated!

Freedom came at midnight.                                 

So it never dawned for many!

We secured independence from the Britishers

 but handed it over to robbers and plunderers!

The independence, secured by the sacrifice of patriots,

is being slandered in urban coffeeshops 

by the idle Burger munching progeny of free India.

Yet we are unable to do anything about it!

On that first Independence Day, after the flag hoisting when Jawaharlal Nehru was about to 

leave the venue, a young man stopped his car and asked, “You hoisted the flag to declare 

that India is free but what did that independence do for me?” Nehru was not provoked by the 

tempestuous young man but replied calmly, “Is it not that independence; is it not that 

freedom, which gives you the right to waylay and question the Prime Minister of the country?”

 A country, which was incapable of making even a safety pin is now producing jet planes.

The country, which depended on wheat imported from America & milk powder from Australia,

has now achieved self-reliance by increasing its food production 

(through its Green and other revolutions). 

The food so produced is sufficient not only to feed its citizens but also 

to feed other countries of the world.

Empowered by Independence, India has succeeded in replacing its dirt roads

with four-lane and eight-lane highways. 

Education, which necessitated long treks by children, has come within their arm’s length. 

Thus have the benefits of Independence reached the common man!

There may be imperfections – corruption may be rampant but

don't we have the freedom of the Ballot to replace the corrupt?

India is not a poor country; it is a country with poor people;

it is a country with unlimited resources. 

Indians may have access to limited resources but their resourcefulness 

fondly referred to as jugaad is beyond compare.

Let us pledge to take India to greater heights!

(Inspired by Pavalamani Pragasam's post on Facebook) 


pavalamani pragasam said...

Wonerful job, Suguna!

Unknown said...

Wonderful thoughts on Independence! May we press on!

Ramani Dhanaraj said...

You summed up and echoed how many of us educated Indians think today about the India that was, is and ought to be and express their patriotic sensitivity! We need such thoughts to keep us sane and moving on the right path. Thank you Dr Suguna!

Dr.Suguna Kannan said...

Thank you!

Dr.Suguna Kannan said...

Thank you! You were the muse!